pStarE English Version (2.14)

BE300 is Here!

pStarE is constellation chart board on your PocketPC 2002.


You can install both English version and Japanese version into a PocketPC2002.
 English version's data file name is "pStar.be3". Japanese Version is "pStar.dat".

Download Program & data files.

 DownloadProgram  pstar.exe  (This file is raw for PocketPC's executable)

"pStar.exe" is NOT installer.
Copy to your PocketPC (2002or 2003)'s folder.
and then, make a shortcut, copy to program menu.
and then, invoke it. (after copy follows data into "My Documents\pStar\").

 DownloadData  (Please extract into \My Documents\pStar\*.* on your PocketPC2002,2003)

The trial version ( means before entering the LICENSE-KEY) will exit program on 5 minutes automatically.

See  BE-300 installation information for "How to get the LIC-KEY".

Please see post card collection.

Manual is HERE!


Shigeto OKUBO

P.I.E. Ltd.


   Sagami-Ono 4-5-2-1201

   Shigeto OKUBO
    P.I.E. Ltd.

   FAX: +81-42-765-7179 (International :  81 is country code of JAPAN)
              (042-765-7179. domestic)